Japanese New Paper Currency

Thank you for visiting our website. This is Yoko from iTWS japan. This time, I will introduce new Japanese paper bills.

The banknotes of the three denominations of 10,000 JPY, 5,000 JPY, and 1,000 JPY redesigned on July 3rd 2024. To prevent counterfeits, the new technologies are being adopted. And universal design is also used to make it easier to identify.

<New 10,000 yen>
Eiichi Shibusawa was chosen for the portrait. He is famous as “the pioneer of the modern Japanese economy” who was involved in the founding of many companies during his lifetime.

<New 5,000 yen>
The portrait is Umeko Tsuda who is known for “the mother of women’s education”. She worked hard to advance of women’s status and education throughout her life.

<New 1,000 yen>
Shibasaburo Kitasato, the portrait, established the Institute of Infectious Diseases. He is known as the “Father of Modern Medicine in Japan” and made a great contribution to the development of medicine.

The cashless payment has spread, but why don’t you pay in cash when you come to Japan.
Thank you for reading. Have a nice week!

Yoko Yoshida, a member of iTWS japan LLP

Yoko Yoshida

Living in Tokyo, I would like to show you both around Tokyo and outside of Tokyo. Let's enjoy together!


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