Otome Pass is one of passes on the outer rim of Hakone Mountains. The pass is worthy to visit as it commands a magnificent view of Mt.Fuji.
Otome refers to a little girl or a maiden. There lived a father and his little girl who was named Otome. The father fell into a serious sickness. Otome started visiting Jizodo, a small temple hall with a Buddhist statue of Jizo Bodhisattva, to pray for a full recovery of her father. The hall was positioned on a pass which is now called Otome Pass. After her 100th visit to Jizodo to fulfill “Mangan” (completion of a period determined for the prayer), Otome passed away on the way back to her house. The weather of the day was a severe snowstorm. Since then, people in the local community started calling the pass “Otome Pass” with their sincere prayer to a peaceful repose of Otome’s soul.

- Left: An observatory deck at Otome Pass
- Right: A view from Mt.Kintoki (one-hour hike from Otome Pass), commanding Lake Ashi and Sengokuhara
- Below: The mountain top sign of Mt.Kintoki is modeled after a broadax. The ax is the symbol of the mountain.

Why don’t you plan a visit to Otome Pass in Hakone Mountains and enjoy a wonderful view of Mt.Fuji. I wish you remember the story of Otome and pray for the soul of the decreased.