
Yuki Takano

Guiding & Management Strategy

Control your destiny, or someone else will.

We have to live in times of great uncertainty, but the late Jack Welch, who raised General Electric into a global company and was called "the greatest manager of the 20th century", left me with the above maxim.

Qualifications Related to Guide Interpretation Business

  • National Government Certified Guide Interpreter (English)
  • Certified General Travel Services Supervisor
  • Saitama Prefecture Certified Guide Interpreter (English)

Place of Residence

Kawaguchi, Saitama

Career Summary

Worked for domestic major financial institutions, a foreign-owned consulting firm, the European subsidiary of a domestic industrial corporation, and an English conversation school. Moreover, Washington State CPA (#26987), National Government Registered SMB Management Consultant and Applied IT Engineer.

Main Areas in Guiding

Tohoku Region (Miyagi, Yamagata), Kanto Region (Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Tokyo), Chubu Region (Yamanashi, Nagano, Fukui), Kinki Region (Shiga, Kyoto), Chugoku Region (Shimane)

Hobbies / Interests

World Heritage sites, Pilgrimage to "Power Spots", goshuin collection, Japanese HR/HM, Pilgrimage to the real-life locations of anime and music, Watching football games, Horse Racing, Spanish Learning